Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I am not sure at the moment, when I will begin Toa Mazeka's official story. At this point, I am choosing to focus on the "Reign of Teridax," "Lesovikk: Resisting the Shadow," and "The Chronicles of Toa Kovorix"

As of this point, Mazeka will continue to be featured in "The Reign of Teridax"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Toa Mazeka

Toa Mazeka Part of his story can be found in The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 2
From an alternate dimension, Mazeka received a toa stone that was radiant with a mixture of energized protodermis and antidermis mixed with metalic protodermis.
He now has the powers of a magnetic toa and iron toa combined, along with his natural resistance to extreme cold. 
His shield is razor sharp and can double as an air board for greater speeds for traveling. Mazeka uses it to channel his powers: Most often to create a magnetic shock-wave that is highly destructive. He also has Nynrah Ghost enhanced, Artahkan Adaptive armor. He has incredible control over the energy of the Nynrah Ghost Blaster.